About Laurel Upward
Laurel Upward Sports is a ministry of The First Baptist Church of Laurel, Maryland. Since 2008, we have been the premier youth sports association in Laurel, offering boys and girls of all skill levels a positive and competitive youth sports experience with an emphasis on sportsmanship and character.
Why Laurel Upward?
Positive Sports Experience
Players and cheerleaders at all skill levels find a safe environment to explore team sports. Character and sportsmanship are valued as highly as excellence in skills and ability.
Calendar Friendly Schedule
All of our sports teams practice for 1 hour each week during the season. Games are on Saturdays and last for 1 hour as well. Please note that the games in older levels may last slightly longer than an hour.
Our leagues are competitively priced with other local youth sports leagues. Fees include uniforms, removing the hassle of registering here, then going across town to purchase an expensive uniform separately. Families are required to provide items such as cleats/shoes, shin guards, and mouth guards.
Conveniently Located
All of our practices and games are located on the campus of First Baptist Church. There is no last minute guessing where your child's game will be played on Saturday!
Safe Environment
Parents can rest assured that all of our coaches and staff have been cleared through background checks and a volunteer application process at First Baptist Church. They receive training on coaching and child safety.
Come join us at Laurel Upward Sports.
Contact Us
TEL: 301-725-1688
Church Office Hours: M-F, 9am-5pm
Office Location: 15000 First Baptist Lane, Laurel, MD 20707
E-Mail: upwardsports@fbclaurel.com